Log In via the Modern Campus CMS 登录 Page

You can log in to OUCampus 使用 the Modern Campus CMS 登录 Page.

Once you are logged in, you will be taken to your Modern Campus CMS dashboard and will 需要 navigate the Folder Structure to find what you are looking for.

If you're just making a few edits to a specific page(s) in one section, we recommend 使用 DirectEdit!


DirectEdit链接 is the simplest way to log in and go directly to the page you 需要 edit. 日志记录 in to edit your pages is as simple as clicking a link. 的 DirectEdit link is a "hidden" link on every published webpage that you can use to access the Modern Campus CMS interface.

For PCC, the DirectEdit link is the © sign in the footer of the PCC Website. 这 DirectEdit link appears on every page of the PCC Website. Clicking the link prompts you to log in 使用 your LancerPoint ID and password. Assuming you have editing permissions for that page and that you logged in successfully, you will then be taken to the Edit 查看该页. From there, you will be able to edit any editable regions and will also be able to navigate to other pages and information that you have access to 使用 the Modern Campus CMS menus.

Steps to Log In to Modern Campus CMS with DirectEdit

  1. Navigate to a published webpage that you have access to edit.
    • For example, if you 需要 edit the homepage of your area, go to your area's homepage.
    • If you’re not sure which page you are going to edit, or 需要 complete another task in Modern Campus CMS, just log in to any published page that you have access to edit.
  2. Click on the © sign, located in the footer of the page (this is the PCC直接链接).
  3. You will be prompted to log in 使用 your LancerPoint ID and Password in the LancerPoint login page.
  4. Once you have successfully logged in, you will be taken directly to the Modern Campus CMS view of the page you logged in to. For example, if you clicked the © sign from www.帕萨迪纳市.edu/about, you will be taken to the Modern Campus CMS view of www.帕萨迪纳市.edu/about 1
  5. You are now logged in to Modern Campus CMS. You can edit the page you’re on or use your dashboard to edit other pages and content.

1. To edit the page you 需要 have the proper access privileges granted in order 要访问该页. If you click the DirectEdit link from a page to which you don't have editing access, you will be logged into Modern Campus CMS, but will be unable 要查看该页面.

你已经登录了! 下一个:2.3 - 的 Modern Campus CMS Interface